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It had been an interesting year in Mrs. Rollins’ sixth grade class with the six daredevils of Foxboro Elementary school. Pedro, Benny, Eddie, Junior, and the twins—Chris and Mike, all lived in the projects in the city of the Paterson New Jersey. Chris was always looking for an adventure. That is why he was so excited about the last day of school each year. It meant having the scavenger hunt with his friends. It meant exploring something new,something that would be adventurous and challenging! That is exactly what they all looked forward to each year on the final day of school. Chris sat thinking for a moment: This should be the most awesome scavenger hunt out of them all! Last year they went to the suburban mall and hunted all over for superhero items. The year before, they went to the city park and searched for water creatures. They all rolled rocks over to search for crawlfish and newts. All the boys went home with soaked sneakers and plenty of mosquito bites. Benny had poison ivy so bad that he walked around covered with pink calamine lotion for two weeks. He ended up with the nickname Pinky. As the bell rang, Chris yelled, “Meet you at the playground!” You could hear the scuffling of sneakers as the children hurried to get out of the classroom. “Have a great summer!’’ Mrs. Rollins called out to her students, as they all hurried out. The halls filled with echoes of excited children. Summer was officially here.

Excerpted from "URBAN SCAVENGER HUNT" by Tina Serrano. Copyright © 2010 by Tina Serrano. Excerpted by permission. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing.